

Self-Compassion, a foundational skill for dealing with overwhelm


As we begin this blog series covering skills for managing life when it’s overwhelming, I want to start with the most important skill you can add to your toolbox. This skill increases the effectiveness of every other skill or tool for managing when life is overwhelming. It’s truly foundational to everything else […]

Self-Compassion, a foundational skill for dealing with overwhelm 2019-01-11T22:50:48-06:00

12 Ways to Manage when Life is Overwhelming


The sad truth is that at some point in life all of us are going to be blindsided by some form of grief and overwhelm. You might have a child who is struggling in potentially disastrous ways, you might have suddenly lost someone you love very much or perhaps a job you were counting on […]

12 Ways to Manage when Life is Overwhelming 2019-01-11T22:51:50-06:00

How to Manage Summertime Mom Guilt


It’s that time of year again. Here in the US, kids are getting out of school for the summer. My newsfeed is filled with summertime bucket list posts.

Summertime can be hard

I’ll just say it: summertime can be hard and overwhelming.

I adore my children- all 12 of them (the 6 youngest are still living at home). […]

How to Manage Summertime Mom Guilt 2019-01-11T22:53:35-06:00

Photography, my Secret Survival Tool


The screen door squeaked as I quietly slipped out back door from the kitchen of our old farmhouse, to the humid summer sunrise. I wiped tears from my eyes and tried to be quiet, hoping that my children would sleep just a few more minutes.

My Converses were already wet from the […]

Photography, my Secret Survival Tool 2019-01-11T22:54:11-06:00

What Self-Care Really is


As a single mom of a large family, and as a person learning to live with and manage Complex PTSD, I’ll admit that I’ve laughed at some recent articles I’ve read about “self-care.”

I continue to be drawn to articles on self-care though, hoping to find some elusive answer which doesn’t involve candle-lit […]

What Self-Care Really is 2019-01-11T22:55:08-06:00

A Prayer for the Overwhelmed


Dear Lord,

This past week has been overwhelmingly difficult.

Please remind me that You see me, that you grieve with me.

spring pond

I have been blindsided, in the worst of ways.

I’m so thankful that You are not overwhelmed by my situation, nor are You disappointed in my weakness.

You love me in […]

A Prayer for the Overwhelmed 2019-01-11T22:55:36-06:00

This is what it’s like to have Complex PTSD


Heart pounding, I startle awake at 4 am. I am panic-stricken and consumed with terror.

My bedroom is quiet. There are no intruders, only my faithful furry friend Winston, slumbering quietly at my feet.

I wonder if I had screamed and scared any of my children.

For 5 minutes, then 10 minutes my heart continues to pound as […]

This is what it’s like to have Complex PTSD 2019-01-11T22:56:30-06:00

A Letter to myself, just before I escaped my abusive marriage


To me on November 19, 2012, (the night before my children and I escaped my abusive husband)

hope letter

I see you. I know how terrified you are right now.

You are doing your best to act normally even though you have escape plans in place for tomorrow. Only your parents, who […]

A Letter to myself, just before I escaped my abusive marriage 2019-01-11T22:56:58-06:00

The Best Way to Save an Abuse Victim


I hid in my basement laundry room, hands and knees trembling as I looked through the contacts on my phone, trying to decide who to call. Over the past few months it had become increasingly clear to me that the life my children and I were living was neither safe or “normal.”

For 27 years my […]

The Best Way to Save an Abuse Victim 2019-01-11T22:58:37-06:00

of Seasons and Grace


Life’s Seasons

Here in the Midwestern United States we are tentatively entering spring after a rather “bleak” winter. No real snowstorms here to speak of…. just day after day of cloudy skies and gray-toned landscapes.

Midwestern winter landscape

The past six months of my life have felt bleak as well.

My mother […]

of Seasons and Grace 2019-01-11T22:59:03-06:00

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.