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Susan Moore 2024-03-23T13:57:44-05:00Go here to subscribe and read my free posts.

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As we begin this blog series covering skills for managing life when it’s overwhelming, I want to start with the most important skill you can add to your toolbox. This skill increases the effectiveness of every other skill or tool for managing when life is overwhelming. It’s truly foundational to everything else […]
It is my privilege today to publish a guest post from a long-time online friend. I first “met” Cinnamon in the homeschooling, large family blog niche, where we both blogged almost 10 years ago now.
We have a lot in common… large families (she has 11, I have 12 children), we both homeschooled for many years, […]
Today I am honored to publish a post written by a much respected friend. She has (understandably) requested to remain anonymous.
“Life will be so much sweeter on the other side of your divorce,” my new friend assured me with great tenderness. She escaped an abusive marriage over 20 years ago and is […]
Dear Lord,
This past week has been overwhelmingly difficult.
Please remind me that You see me, that you grieve with me.
I have been blindsided, in the worst of ways.
I’m so thankful that You are not overwhelmed by my situation, nor are You disappointed in my weakness.
You love me in […]
In the past few weeks, since I began writing regularly on my blog again, I’ve had several readers contact me, expressing a desire to write and share their own stories.
Conversations with these sweet women encouraged me to think about why writing our stories is so powerful, and so needed, even if you don’t choose to […]
to see small patches of green (finally!) on my walks with Winston and as I ride my ElliptiGO. (see the green in my rearview mirror?!)
We had some crazy snow/sleet on Easter and snow in the forecast for tomorrow (wait, what?!!), but I’m still holding out hope for more […]
A week ago I made the tough decision to pull of of IronMan Wisconsin. Many of my readers know that I’ve been training hard for this race for a year now. (An IronMan race is a 2.4 mi swim, 112 mi bike and a “little” 26.2 mi marathon run to finish it off)
And I […]
Dear Survivor, I know; you’ve heard them talking. You’ve read the blog posts talking about the virtuous goal of being a “thriver” rather than a survivor.
I know the shame you feel, admitting even silently to yourself that for so long now ~ years, perhaps, you’ve been gasping in the deep […]
I lived in an abusive marriage for 27 years.
The first thing that had to happen before I could escape was that I had to begin to see my life for what it really was.
There were a number of events that led up to me finally acknowledging the severity of […]